Due to the pressure of these groups, several factories in Armenia that were sources of severe pollution were closed, starting from 1989. One of these, a rubber and chemical plant in Nairit, reopened in 1992. as Armenia needed the income generated by exporting the plant’s products. Although national environmental laws have been put into effect in Armenia since it became independent, no comprehensive environmental protection program has emerged, and environmental initiatives are typically addressed to an ad hoc basis.
In an attempt to offset a six-year-old energy crisis caused by blockades by Azerbaijan and Turkey, the Armenian government in mid-1995 reactivated a nuclear power plant at Metsamor, close since 1988. after the catastrophic earthquake in northern Armenia. Environmental groups opposed reopening of the plant, since it poses an environmental threat. Although it is in an earthquake-prone area, it was not built to withstand earthquakes. Portions of Armenia also were rapidly deforested during the winters of 1992, 1993, and 1994, as trees were often the only available source of fuel.
Armenian government claims they are ready to shut the plant down, as soon as they get able to replace its energy production with alternative energy sources. Soil intoxication is yet another problem and a result of reckless use of pesticides, in order to increase the yield. Usage of DDT has poisoned both soil and the rivers.
The country is almost entirely dependant on importing energy. The only domestic energy resource in use is hydropower, providing about 30% of energy demands, and the single nuclear power plant. All the natural gas for now comes from Russia, and existing inaccurate estimate of coal reserves is basis for opening a state owned coalmine.
Renewable energy sources are scarce except for the water and the wind, which might represent significant resources for the future. From 2001, 7.6% of the land in Armenia has obtained the status of protected areas.In further attempts to protect biodiversity, 10 fauna species have received a status of endangered species, from 2001 onwards.
Massive, scale- զանգվածային, մեծամասշտաբ
Claim-պնդել, պահանջել
comprehensive-հասկանալի, ընդունելի
ad hoc-ժամանակավոր
initiatives- նախաձեռնություն
Reckless - անիմաստ
Yield to smth-զիջել ինչ-որ բանին
Poison -թույն, թունավորել
entirely dependant-ամբողջապես կախված
Inaccurate - ոչ ճիշտ
Estimate-գնահատել, գնահատական
Coal- ածուխ
Reserve- պաշար
Scarce-սակավ, քիչ քանակով
Obtain-ձեռք բերել
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